Four Fabulous Raw Honey Tips

Raw honey has amazing health benefits. Those little bees are brilliant. Honey, in its natural state, is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and full of fabulous vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, once heated to the recommended pasteurized levels, the nutrients vanish, resulting in a non-nutritious sugary substitute. Eating raw honey is safe, tasty, and full of the nutrition your body loves.
I adore raw honey. We have a date later with a cookie.

What to do with raw honey?

Make dessert
Substitute that icky processed sugar for happy honey. If you like super sweet treats, go big and substitute ¾ cup honey for every cup of sugar. If you prefer a little more mellow result, substitute honey for ½ of the sugar called for in a recipe. Just by substituting honey in your favorite recipe you are adding vitamin B, Iron, and other great nutritious benefits.

Soothe a cold
Honey is anti-viral, anti-bacterial and may strengthen your immune system. Add a teaspoon to your favorite tea or a glass of warm water with lemon. Feeling better already!

Add sweet wellness to your favorite dishes
Raw honey is great in a cabbage slaw or baked with butternut squash and cinnamon. Cheer up your body with this alkaline powerhouse. Your favorite raw magic bee love is anti-inflammatory and known to help balance blood sugar.

Drizzle over greens for a happy bee buzz
Combine with olive oil, red wine vinegar, and lemon for a lovely salad dressing. Did you know you that honey may help improve digestion and promote good cholesterol?! Wow!

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