Two Steps to Self Love and Joy LoveSelf

Two Simple Steps to Begin Everyday with Self Love and Joy

New Beginnings. Two Simple Steps to Begin Everyday with Self Love and Joy!

As a new year opens it eyes, know that every moment is an opportunity for a new beginning. Not because we are dismissing our past, because we are integrating, accepting, loving, and choosing again.

On this day, what can you do for yourself that will change your life and the lives of those around you? Did you know that one person choosing self-love and compassion impacts thousands? We are all one and in the energy of our inner beauty we bless the new dawn.

Below are two easy steps to incorporate everyday.

  • Begin each morning by placing your hand on your heart.  Hold your hand on your heart and offer love to the magic that beats and carries your life force. Your same beautiful heart has been with you as a small child, through your joy, and your heartbreak. The energy of the heart has a greater electronic magnetic field than even the human brain. Whisper kindness to your heart. Say thank you.
  • The power of you begins with food. Food fuels you, heals your body, and has the power to change your thoughts. Consider that 80% of your serotonin is absorbed through your digestive tract. Your gut feeds and speaks to your brain. Start your day with self-love by eating delectable food that nourishes your body. How about a juicy organic orange or a yummy toasted pecan?

You deserve to be the best most powerful you.

Need more ideas check out our Wellness Tips and Healing Recipes.

Rachel Kahn
Founder at LoveSelf
Rachel Kahn is the founder of LoveSelf, a gluten free paleo wellness magazine dedicated to helping you discover your Happy Belly, Loving Heart, and Inspired Life. Rachel began studying holistic health and nutrition over a decade ago and attributes her own healing to lessons in body nurturing choices. Rachel is highlighting inspiring people healing with the power of real food and self-love.